Priangan daily news conveys information about the inaugural board PWI Tasikmalaya. For some people, may already be familiar with the term presence of reporters mock, or WTS (without a newspaper reporter). WTS action is undoubtedly in the middle of the journalist profession impression now increasingly loved.
"I've got a friend. Could be called, I knew exactly who the friend is. Clearly he is not a journalist initially. Uh, suddenly I met yesterday, he already holds the status of journalists, "said Mayor Tasikmalaya, H. Budi Budiman when officials confirmed the PWI Tasikmalaya, 2014-2017 tenure in the White House pavilion, Tasikmalaya.
Expression of the mayor and invite attention consistent performance of the media crew. The definition Budi, he was not allergic to reporters. Instead, he is very much in need of the presence of the reporter or the performance of the press, which incidentally is now the mayor position, would need a means of public information in relation to guarding performance, socialization programs, etc..
"But I deplore is the action of an individual or the claim to reporters. They do not know the duties (duties and functions) real journalist. They even often acting up and not a few have come to feel aggrieved by the action, "said Mayor Tasikmalaya.
Budi sure, work with news reporters, to be accounted for, rather than misleading or even pitting. He also gives attention proportional journalists work. What bothered a mayor with five years of leadership to deliver the program, and socialization, if it must be done alone. But with the presence of the press, so lightly purposes.
In the context of a common interest in building the nation, the mayor invites journalis ranks, especially in the PWI Tasikmalaya always together, playing himself, in the public interest. He warned, many media crew works to the benefit concerned with motivation.
"Because I often feel strange, diverting the issue on the activities that I run, shaping public opinion, thus inviting protests," he said.
Budi also welcomed the enactment of the competency test plan journalists (UKW), which was initiated by the press council and PWI. UKW will establish the capability or competence of journalists. "So the position of reporter tested quality, more professional journalists pushing task and proportional," Budi added.
PWI Branch Chairman of West Java, Mirza Zulhadi his speech read on secretary, Uyun Ahadiat, freedom of the press is guaranteed as a right of citizens. The task of the press run for the benefit of the public functions of the state. But freedom must be based on a sense of responsibility, "he said.
Uyun added, the results of the verification of the Press Council earlier this month, there were 4,093 journalists in Indonesia who had pocketed UKW certificate.
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