On October 17 2015, the City of Tasikmalaya up the age of 14, a post-split from Tasikmalaya District in 2001. Many of which must be addressed. Need to be constantly reminded of. So, what people said at the moment so Tasikmalaya this time?
Arif Abd. Adaqil (anti-corruption activist who is also a former Chairman of PMII Tasikmalaya): I see there are two fundamental things that until now has not fulfilled or complied with. The second fundamental thing is also the promise of Bu-De (Budi-Dede). Is the professionalism of the performance of the bureaucracy and increased purchasing power. Professionalism performance, for example. I saw the placement of civil servants in the government's home town sits. Many officials who occupy positions, but not in accordance with the expertise / competence. If it were so, what might work in a professional bureaucracy? Certainly not!
The second is an increase in purchasing power. As known, this is the year the increase in purchasing power, as well as the work program / leadership Budi with Dede. The program is ideally able to create jobs so that is proportional to push the unemployment rate in the city of Tasikmalaya. The proof, the number of job seekers is still swollen. Even from the data I have, numbering in the thousands. Irony again, in which there are also graduates. That is, the city government failed to create jobs. The program to improve purchasing power failure.