Friday, October 17, 2008

Kapolwil Priangan asks candidates to successfully shop casual

Enforcement of party democracy through elections and direct elections, Garut must be followed by the mental maturity of all the components of the nation. Well from the community, political party, especially from political leaders, the prospective candidates legislative and executive, to be forever more casual, sipa win and ready to lose. However Kapolwil raised Priangan, Kombes Pol Anton Charlian, in the his appeal the elections, Garut. To prove to the community, and both local and international, that the nation is able to organized system of election process in a frame democracy, the peaceful, polite, safe, calm, free and confidential, successful without excess, "said Anton Kombes Pol. Meanwhile, the two candidates campaign in Garut regency, Friday (17/10), namely Duo Harliman/H. Ali ke Pasirwangi, Samarang, Tarogong, Banyuresmi. Duo Samsu/Hudan ke Cisompet, Pameungpeuk,Cibalong, Caringin, Cisewu and Ciklet. Duo Wahdan/Helmi ke Pamulihan, Pakenjeng, Bungbulang, Caringin, Cisewu, dan Talegong. Duo Abdul Halim/Nandang ke Limbangan, Selaawi, Cibatu, dan Malangbong. Duo Fikri/Dicky ke Leles, Kadungora, Cibiuk and Leuwigoong. Duo Sali/Asep ke Cilawu Bayongbong, Cisurupan,Cikajang, Singajaya, Banjarwangi, and Cihurip.
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