Kapolwil Priangan, Kombes Pol Anton Charlian requested, so that the Village Community Resilience Institute (LKMD), which is in the area Priangan immediately reactivated and optimized, in order to maintain security in the rural environment.
Kapolwil Priangan say it in front of around 355 members Babinkamtibmas (Bintara Perwira Security and Public Order). According to Kasubag Bunamitra Polwil Priangan, PPA Sulasno, particulars of socialization is to prepare for the security before the election Regional Head (elections) and Garut regency elections. "They are members of Polres Hangu and Polreskab / Polresta Tralee, and the Head of Bina Implementation Partner in the dissemination of Polmas officers Babinkamtibmas Polres / Polresta range Polwil in the hall" Mumun Surahman "Polwil Priangan Jln. Jend. Sudirman Eshowe, on Tuesday (14/10 ).
According to Kombes Anton Charlian, in order to the direction, all officers Babinkamtibmas that pro-active to invite the head of the village, to be more enterprising optimized LKMD role. "In every country that has LKMD I have no building funds, complete with all its components. For that, we already know, we optimize, and the village chief," said Kapolwil Priangan.
Babinkamtibmas role as Polmas (community police), according to Kapolwil Priangan, never resolve the problems of the rural level. "For example, the problems of murder, disputes boundary fence, sengeketa land, irrigation, and rhubarb, do not be reconciled by officers Babinkamtibmas, but finish by the top level. Unless there are children or pasea are lightweight, can then be resolved in the village," he said.
Kombes Anton Charlian also mewanti-Wanti to members of the police not to do naughty. "Polwil and will take the sack when the police discovered some naughty. We do not need members of the unprincipled and if they do not regret the sack, because there are still many thousands of members of the police," said Kapolwil Priangan.
For that, all members of the police now must be to prevent crime as early as possible, in accordance with the concept of "Community Police" is the way to make approaches are fine.
Concept, according to Anton, born from the UNO United Nations, based on the study and experience of international experts powerful enough to prevent crime.
"Therefore, the police must build partnerships and the equality between the community and the police. Must be pro-active and act as a waitress community, effective communication with the community, report the information at least every day, and no day without a new friend," said Kombes Anton Charlian.
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