In the middle of blazing sun, thousands of residents Cangkuang village and the surrounding thrust line of oil in Yayasan Amal Al Haj Endo Suhendo dan Keluarga Turun Temurun sampai Akhir Jaman in Kampung Makam Village Block Cangkuang Kec. Leles Garut, on Wednesday (15/10).
Thousands of residents who came in the foundation is not only derived from Cangkuang village, but also come from the village of Neglasari, Leles, Leuwigoong, and Kadungora. According to the Chairman, Endo Suhendo pilgrimage to Mecca and
Family heredity until the End Times, Endo H Suhendo, the foundation always receive ration petrol as much as 5,000 liters or a tank.
Sales of oil is usually out in two hours. According to him, he is recommending to the Government of Garut regency to supply oil to base oil not too long, most are not enough two or three times a week.
"Why the sale of oil, which I do often been people, because most affordable price of Rp 3,000 per liter in accordance with the highest retail price (HET), while in other places can be reached Rp 4,500 to Rp 5,000, - per liter, even can be more expensive, so prospective buyers from everywhere to come here, "said Endo H, who is a former diplomat.
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