Sunday, October 12, 2008

Using Firewood

They subvention oil, as people in 42 Sub-district, Garut start switch to using firewood as an alternative material for purposes cook them. Even some of them deliberately create a hearth fire with the traditional use of red brick on the edge of the house.
She Dede, 35, the residents in Kampung Flat Post, the Village Sukanagara, Cisompet Subdistrict, said many residents who used to use kerosene, now switch utilize wood cook them for the purpose. "The kerosene sold is very limited. Even the price is Rp 4400-6000. We finally choose to use wood for cooking needs", he said.
Because of the difficulty of oil, he and several other residents said, is about four months utilizing firewood for cooking. "In addition to searching in the garden, we also find wood to the forest that are not far from home." Using the type of fuel alternatives, particularly among residents of poor, can not be avoided because of the difficulty to get more oil and if the price is high enough. Actually, every day is allocated 265 kilo liters of kerosene bersubsidi IDR 3.000/liter.

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