Monday, November 17, 2008

Wagub Jabar, Dede Yusuf

Actors IKM/UKM Investment is a Hero
Wagub Jabar, Dede Yusuf assess the perpetrators of the IKM (Small Medium
Industries) or the UKM (Small Medium) is the hero as investment, because it contributes a large, when compared with the perpetrators of this industry big time.
"However, the potential in West Java around 98 percent of the perpetrators IKM / UKM currently provide employment to 2.1 million people invaestasi value of Rp 60.2 trillion per year. The perpetrators of the industry recorded only 2 percent and able to absorb new labor working around 1.7 million people with a total investment of Rp 7.8 trillion," said Dede Yusuf on the opening meeting of UKM (Small Medium) se-Kab. Garut in the hotel hall Sabda Alam, on Monday (17/11).
According to Wagub Jabar, without IKM statement absorption of 1 million job opportunities through the impossible. For the sections can not expect investment in large industries, as the global financial crisis, and only one is the mainstay of the perpetrators of the IKM / UKM.
"This is a commitment that we shared, we must push, we must develop together, including the technologies, innovations, and the network (networking), and the capital," he said. Visibly present at the ceremony of the meeting IKM / UKM is the Director General of the IKM, Fauzi Azis, Deputy BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Development UMKN), Dr Ir Utama the Directorate General of Domestic Trade, Ny. Hesti, and some echelon I.
According to the IKM Kasubdin Office of Trade / Industry Province Jabar, Adang Suryana, the meeting discussed about the preparation and implementation of programs and technology IKM UMKN (Micro Small Medium Business).
According to the Directorate General of the IKM, Fauzi Azis, in the event of meetings is as efforts to the preparation of the program. "The first is to create a model pilot projeck the development of productivity. The second approach is our collaboration with the book as a reference, by emphasizing the importance of cooperation in the cycle networks broader," he said.
Director General of the perpetrators of IKM expect to build a community that ultimately can build the meaning of productivity. It is expected that the infrastructure of the transparance, the social and economic infrastructure adequate.
After the District of Garut, Dede Yusuf entourage and then to Tralee, to meet with community Sukaheing Subdistrict.

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