Monday, December 22, 2008

Fikri-Dicky Meanwhile Excellence

Couples Aceng Holik M. Fikri (Ceng Fikri), Dicky Chandra to excel while the pair Rudi Gunawan-Oim Abdurohim on Election Regent / Vice Regent of Garut lap II, Sunday (21/12) until 22:10 WIB. Couples Ceng Fikri and Dicky Chandra is superior in the district thirty of the total 42 district.

According to the KPU members Kab. Garut Legal Affairs and PR purposes Dadang Sudrajat, the pair Ceng Fikri-Dicky Chandra to reach 535,039 while the voice (55.9%). While the pair Rudi Gunawan-Oim Abdurohim reach 421,526 votes (44.1%). The number of voice at the entrance to 22:10 WIB reach 956,565 votes (60.4%) of the 1,583,652 voters who listed on the permanent voters list (DPT) Election Regent / Vice Regent of Garut lap II. DPT is the amount of increase of 2,148 people from the first round of a total of 1,581,504 voters.

The number of valid votes reached 16,043 (1.6%) with the participation of 972,608 voters (61.4%). In general, the polling to the calculation of the sound running orderly, safe and smooth.


Unlike the atmosphere at the polling lap I, II lap this relatively quiet. Some polling (polling stations) in Kec. Garut Kota looks more quiet from prospective voters. As polling stations in the XI Ex. Paminggir Kec. Garut Kota, used only 131 of the 341 ballot vote. Most residents of Garut right to vote using the new approach the day before the polling stations.
Vice Regent of Garut Memo Hermawan said, many voters did not present well-founded. Especially in the area south of Garut as is geographically less conducive.
Selection of the implementation of the Regent / Vice Regent of Garut lap II, was attended by Assistant District I Setda Prov. Tjatja Kuswara Jabar, a number of officials at the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy, Chairman of the KPU Jabar Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, and some KPU members of Cirebon. They perform the review to some polling stations in Kec. Garut city.

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