Of the 20 MDR
TB Patient, Dies Two
Predicate Gets Top Tasikmalaya in West Java
A total of 20 people infected with the bacteria Tasikmalaya expressed MDR TB, four of whom declared DO and not continue treatment longer, six people have expressed confers (negative) of MDR TB germs. However, all six are still under the supervision of health care workers handling up to 24 months completion period, and declared cured 100 percent. While two others had died.
"But we alone cannot ensure that the cause of their death. What were the results of MDR TB disease or no other complications, which certainly both of the deceased was suffering from MDR TB painful, "said Didier Fitriyadi SIP, Kes, as the Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health Tasikmalaya City Health Department, accompanied by two his staff.
Predicate Gets Top Tasikmalaya in West Java
A total of 20 people infected with the bacteria Tasikmalaya expressed MDR TB, four of whom declared DO and not continue treatment longer, six people have expressed confers (negative) of MDR TB germs. However, all six are still under the supervision of health care workers handling up to 24 months completion period, and declared cured 100 percent. While two others had died.
"But we alone cannot ensure that the cause of their death. What were the results of MDR TB disease or no other complications, which certainly both of the deceased was suffering from MDR TB painful, "said Didier Fitriyadi SIP, Kes, as the Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health Tasikmalaya City Health Department, accompanied by two his staff.
Didier added, the spread of TB germs are very easy, it can happen at the moment we are talking through saliva splashes of TB disease, either regular or has entered the MDR category. "Therefore, I urge the public to recognize and understand the people affected by TB. One of the early symptoms of TB disease of the person suffering from the symptoms of productive cough for two weeks in a row without stopping. So, for people who feel such symptoms, immediately check to the health center, "he said.
For the treatment of drug resistant TB, MDR TB is much more difficult than treating TB is still sensitive. Drug-resistant TB and MDR TB can be cured although it requires time for 24 months. MDR TB drug prices are quite expensive, which is about USD 140 million - 180 million per person over 2 years of treatment. "Fortunately, for the drug until now borne by the central government through the state budget," said Didier.
TB is drug-resistant tuberculosis caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis that have experienced drug resistance. While Tuberculosis Multi Drug Resistant (MDR-TB) or TB MDR-TB is resistant to the drug at least 2 TB drugs, most patents are INH and Rifampin together, or with anti-TB drug resistance to other first as ethambutol, streptomycin and pyrazinamide. Peak levels of TB disease is Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Extensively or XDR-TB is MDR-TB with resistance to second-line anti-TB drugs, namely class fluoroquinolone and at least one second-line anti-TB drugs such as injections of kanamycin, amikacin, and capreomycin.
Transmission of TB drug resistance, MDR-TB, or XDR-TB is the same as the transmission of TB resistant to drugs in general. MDR-TB patients can transmit TB germs that are resistant to the drug to the surrounding communities. Factors causing Tb disease become resistant to drugs due to occur due to improper administration of drugs, or patients do not complete treatment given health workers.
Rating First
Tasikmalaya is now located on the first level in the region of West Java MDR TB patients. In the midst of the current situation facing Tasikmalaya municipal government has not allocated a budget specifically, for the treatment of MDR TB. "For operational costs alone us mutual aid treatment of patients with health center staff. Yet for this treatment, we have to go home to go to the hospital every time Hasan Sadikin. We expect the government to take immediate measures to tackle the spread and treatment of diseases in, "he said.
In addition, the expected Tasikmalaya municipal government immediately provides standardized operational vehicles for MDR TB disease handlers. The operational vehicles for transporting patients during treatment to RSHS using ambulances with conditions unsuitable.
"I urge the public to keep ethics when coughing and dispose of saliva. Make a habit of healthy life by keeping the surrounding environment clean, beautiful and comfortable. In addition, we also ask the private doctors, if found and treated patients who develop symptoms of TB disease, these patients should be directed to the health center for treatment. This is to enable us to monitor the development of TB disease. What we have so far is that the average patient already suffering from MDR TB. As with patients from the beginning dealt with by the health center, "said Didier.
At the global level, Indonesia is ranked 8 and 27 Countries with the highest burden of MDR TB in the World. With estimates of MDR TB patients in Indonesia reached 6,900 people, i.e. 1.9% of new cases and 12% of re-treatment cases. WHO global report 2013?
Treatment of MDR TB Epidemic
Mayor: Treatment of MDR TB Epidemic
Everyone Needs a Will Support Allocated
The lack of support Tasikmalaya municipal government against MDR TB disease outbreak response, finally answered Tasikmalaya Mayor, Drs. H. Budi Budiman, who met Tasikplus after attending the inauguration of a new boarding school dormitory "An-nur" last Wednesday. Tasimalaya mayor said, the city government so far has not given a specific budget for the treatment of MDR tuberculosis outbreaks. "We will try to allocate the budget changes later. Hopefully the budget could be sufficient. So, will all support the need for handling the outbreak cautions us focus through the Department of Health, "he explained.
With regard to the availability of vehicles in accordance with the operational standards, Tasikmalaya Mayor explained, will also be discussed how the best solution. "Hopefully in a short time through the budget changes can be met. If not, do we try next year? Surely all things pertaining to the handling of the outbreak of MDR TB disease, we will try to meet, "he said.
In addition to budget and operational vehicles must meet, Tasikmalaya municipal government also is working on the provision of land for the construction of specialized care for patients with MDR TB disease. "Initially we will provide a special room in Dr. Soekardjo, but it was not possible, given the danger of transmission of this disease is very easy. So we decided to provide a special building, which will be our wake up in the Castle area. Currently looking for a team of health office locations that fit the land for the construction of the building, "said Mayor Tasikmalaya.
As reported Tasikplus edition issue of 160, as many as 20 people infected with the bacteria Tasikmalaya expressed MDR TB, four of whom declared DO and not continue treatment longer, six people have expressed confers (negative) of MDR TB germs. However, all six are still under the supervision of health care workers handling up to 24 months completion period, and declared cured 100 percent. While two others had died. (T-25)
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The lack of support Tasikmalaya municipal government against MDR TB disease outbreak response, finally answered Tasikmalaya Mayor, Drs. H. Budi Budiman, who met Tasikplus after attending the inauguration of a new boarding school dormitory "An-nur" last Wednesday. Tasimalaya mayor said, the city government so far has not given a specific budget for the treatment of MDR tuberculosis outbreaks. "We will try to allocate the budget changes later. Hopefully the budget could be sufficient. So, will all support the need for handling the outbreak cautions us focus through the Department of Health, "he explained.
With regard to the availability of vehicles in accordance with the operational standards, Tasikmalaya Mayor explained, will also be discussed how the best solution. "Hopefully in a short time through the budget changes can be met. If not, do we try next year? Surely all things pertaining to the handling of the outbreak of MDR TB disease, we will try to meet, "he said.
In addition to budget and operational vehicles must meet, Tasikmalaya municipal government also is working on the provision of land for the construction of specialized care for patients with MDR TB disease. "Initially we will provide a special room in Dr. Soekardjo, but it was not possible, given the danger of transmission of this disease is very easy. So we decided to provide a special building, which will be our wake up in the Castle area. Currently looking for a team of health office locations that fit the land for the construction of the building, "said Mayor Tasikmalaya.
As reported Tasikplus edition issue of 160, as many as 20 people infected with the bacteria Tasikmalaya expressed MDR TB, four of whom declared DO and not continue treatment longer, six people have expressed confers (negative) of MDR TB germs. However, all six are still under the supervision of health care workers handling up to 24 months completion period, and declared cured 100 percent. While two others had died. (T-25)
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