Priangan daily news: After Siliwangi University (Unsil) became public universities, the number of applicants who follow the new admissions (PMB) academic year 2014/2015 increased. Also, new admissions through PMDK (search interests and abilities) so many participants.
Chairman of PMB Unsil 2014/2015, Andi Rustandi said, since registration opened last March, new students who enroll increase more when compared with previous years.
In the past, a teacher BK (guidance and counseling) a high school, which has long partnered with Unsil, he registered his only between 10-15 people, but now he brings to 130 students.
Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, noted the many devotees. "Even enthusiasts Management Department at the Faculty of Economics, much more, than the quota of 240 people, 600 people who sign up," Andi said, she said, the applicants to the program are not acceptable PMDK, PMB suggested by the committee chose other majors. They are advised to follow the entrance examination into two waves PMB.
"Now if anyone asks, why there PMB second wave, when the first wave of the registration if it meets the quota? The answer is, because the committee had already announced it. So, we set the PMB two stages, "said Andi.
At this time PMD, Unsil no longer accept students in large quantities, as it follows the instructions and regulations of the central government, or the Ministry of Education and Culture, which must be adhered to the standard ratio of the number of existing faculty in Unsil the number of students.
Currently, the ratio of faculty to students in the science group is one in 20, and IPS 1: 30. "With the guidance of this standard, now we must obey. Yes, in contrast to previous years when Unsil still a private university, "he told reporters, saying this time Unsil capacity reached 2,300 students.
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