Since relocated a year ago, about 95 heads of households (families) landslide victims in Kampung Leuwileutak, Girimukti Village, District Bojonggambir, Tasikmalaya regency, until now have not provided electric lighting, so almost a whole day-to-day activities of local people especially at night is very limited.
People of citizens Bojonggambir, grandson Rasman, Saturday (12 / 6), said hundreds of lives landslide victims are now occupying the land in Kampung Sukabakti relocation, Girimukti Village. Land is provided by the village. While residents receive housing assistance Tasikmalaya regency.
"But since residents started to occupy the new location is much safer a year ago, there were no signs of electricity would be signed. So, during this time were forced darkness when carrying out activities in the evenings and without lighting the lamp, 'said Chairman of the Community Care Tasikmalaya's Education
Natural disasters that struck the village of Leuwileutak landslide occurred in 2008. In addition to landslides, soil cracks also occur and vanish. Geological parties were invited Pemkab Tasikmalaya stated that location is no longer fit into the home area. On the results of field analysis, Tasikmalaya regency set of 95 families in the village was relocated.
Initially, residents mostly underprivileged families reluctant to be relocated because they claimed had no money for buying and building a new home. "Parties Pemkab Tasikmalaya then intervene and conduct of land acquisition in Kampung Sukabakti, which is safe. For the construction of simple houses, also received help, said the grandson".
Grandchildren worry, not the entry of electricity to the township relocation will disrupt the learning process of school-age children. Every night they certainly cannot learn well because there is no electricity. "They simply rely on a small lantern lighting using kerosene fuel was expensive," he said.
Some people of the reckless use of diesel fuel for the lanterns, although the smoke disrupt the room. "Anyway, all the way citizens for supporting the activities carried out at night," said granddaughter, hoping that the local government immediately to conditions in the Kampung Sukabakti. Moreover, the new village location far from the neighboring village.
Other Article You May Be Interested In Reading : local newspapers
Initially, residents mostly underprivileged families reluctant to be relocated because they claimed had no money for buying and building a new home. "Parties Pemkab Tasikmalaya then intervene and conduct of land acquisition in Kampung Sukabakti, which is safe. For the construction of simple houses, also received help, said the grandson".
Grandchildren worry, not the entry of electricity to the township relocation will disrupt the learning process of school-age children. Every night they certainly cannot learn well because there is no electricity. "They simply rely on a small lantern lighting using kerosene fuel was expensive," he said.
Some people of the reckless use of diesel fuel for the lanterns, although the smoke disrupt the room. "Anyway, all the way citizens for supporting the activities carried out at night," said granddaughter, hoping that the local government immediately to conditions in the Kampung Sukabakti. Moreover, the new village location far from the neighboring village.
Other Article You May Be Interested In Reading : local newspapers
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