Teacher Competencies Must Still Be Improved
The website for today's local news, the copley press free daily that covered the north county, no longer has a website. Today's local news briefsfrom: bard college, kingston, town of ulster, hudson, palenville - the daily freeman news.
From about 3700 students of SMK (Vocational High School) in Tasikmalaya region following the national exam (UN) on March 22 to 26 and then, among them carrying about 71 pupils did not pass, whereas the remaining 3629 (98.08%) students passed the UN from 2009 to 2010. Actually, to have the opportunity to follow it recorded 3722 Un disciple, but with a variety of reasons, only registered students participating UN 3700. Others were sick or died, and various other obstacles.
According Kadisdik Tasikmalaya City, Drs Endang Suherman, MPD, but the 71 students who failed the exam can still be given the opportunity to take subsequent exams in May next, or take exams outside the formal educational equality.
When asked for confirmation, Tasikmalaya City Kadisdik Monday (26 / 4) said that, when compared with last year's graduation total was a little increase in numbers, and qualitatively there is a decrease. Last year only 71 people but the number of participants is relatively small. While this year reached 71 people, but from 3629 the number of people.
The reason, it seems the kids are still weak in vocational subjects because there are normative for math, English and Indonesian. Of the 14 programs at the high school curriculum if (High School) is the weight of its curriculum in the subjects was quite large, but the emphasis on vocational subjects productive.
"Going forward we'll carry out evaluation of subjects where they otherwise do not his graduation. So we must conduct an analysis of subjects that, as feedback from the national exam results for decision makers," he said.
If there are subjects that most students did not pass, go Endang Suherman, it will be seen whether the competence of teachers who still need to be improved, or of its facilities and infrastructure problems, especially for its exact subjects.
"It should be understandable even if a vocational education units, but inside there are as many as 32 types of program expertise. So, although the same math lesson, but the specifications are different in math.
Implementation of the UN in Tasikmalaya City area for the high school level, vocational, and Ma is considered a success without excess. Of the 3602 participants of the high school level examination, about 3597 passed, and who did not pass the carrying five people. So even at the level of MA (madrasah aliyah) of 961 students would be eligible for the UN, about 957 people among them who could take exams. Of that total approximately 940 students passed and seven people do not graduate.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the MKS, Drs Eded Supriadi, who also heads PGRI 43 Singaparna high school said, from the information obtained from the Education department Jabar, the number of students who did not pass in the District. Tasikmalaya, a high school student carrying as many as 50 people, and SMK 56 people, and MA 86 people. "Of the total number of vocational school students who did not graduate, most are in vocational school in the region Singaparna," he explained.
Earlier, the UN has not submitted graduation announcements schools, but action-spout nozzle (vandalism) by the students was rampant in sight, Monday (26 / 4) afternoon yesterday. A number of students both women and men doing the euphoria of graduation with graffiti action.
Not only is graffiti clothes with markers and piloks, the students also do actions convoy reckless use of motorbikes on the road. With a voice that shrieked exhaust ears, and clothes full of paint, they circled Tasikmalaya City streets.
To reduce the action potential to cause disruption of order, Tasikmalaya City Education Department Head quickly deployed Dikmen, Moch. Dani and Kasi Curriculum, Dadang Rahmat to potential location for a student hangout action nozzle streak, ie Tasik Town Square.
A number of students who do graffiti, immediately dismissed from his vehicle. Furthermore, recorded while the school notified. However, when Kasi curriculum, student gangs Dadang trying to dismiss, rather than stopping their vehicles instead spur fast enough so that almost Dadang was hit the student group. ***
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