Embroidery Export Marked TCCF to Dubai
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TCCF (Tasik Cultur and Craft Festival) held in Tasikmalaya City Government Jln Mustopa HZ, marked by the departure and Embroidery Geulis Kelom export to Dubai which are transported by trucks from PT Pos Indonesia, Tasikmalaya, Saturday (24 / 4). In addition, the exported goods are also covered plaited rushes, and furniture to the country of Dubai, America, England, Taiwan, with a total value of total 85 million U.S. dollars.
Departure export product was made Deputy Minister KUKM for Marketing and Business Network, Ir Agus Muharram, MSP is characterized by solving a jar.
In addition, superior products at the exhibition which was opened officially Tarlac City Deputy, Ir Agus Muharram, MSP, the community served by the combined performances of traditional arts from artists Tarlac. The Coordinator of Art oratory, chisels, and Acong Tatang, art that is displayed includes the oratory "Tasikmalaya Risen", Angklung Sered, Angklung Buncis, Angklung Badud, helaran dance, dog-dog, horses lumping, martial arts, and and the ghost, who directed Wahyudin.
Meanwhile, Deputy Minister KUKM for Marketing and Business Network, Ir Agus Muharram, in his speech said the ministry encourages the growth of cooperatives are now some new entrepreneurs. For that purpose, to support programs that direction, the ministry invited to the new scholars, who have not obtained a job to be able to entrepreneurship, while the ministry of cooperatives to provide cheap financing interest, and a maximum loan of USD 10 million through a revolving fund management institutions.
In other parts of Ir Agus Muharram said the community should not only convey the slogan of love but want to buy products made in Indonesia. "Not only did we mention the slogan I love Indonesian products, but I also buy products made in Indonesia," he said when giving a speech on the opening of the Sea of Culture and Craft Festival (TCCF).
According to him, if people just love the products made in Indonesia and were not accompanied with the purchase, the local products will be difficult to develop. He emphasized, to the people of Indonesia for Indonesian products at the same time still love to buy local products in Indonesia, as an effort to Indonesian products remain of interest to public. By buying products made in Indonesia in an effort to overcome a variety of products from foreign trade, especially from China into Indonesia. Faced with free trade, information, Ir Agus Muharram, we can remain a superior product of Indonesia.
Similar expressions conveyed the Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Syarif Hidayat, who said to love the local craft Tasikmalaya must wholeheartedly. "Do not love monkeys, but go directly to produce and manage the superior craft Tasikmalaya City," he said.
According to Chairman of the committee, Toni T Easy, organization of exhibitions in anticipation of the implementation of ACFTA (ASEAN-China Free Trade Area), which inevitably can cause problems to the industry, especially from the secondary industry so that the need for early action by performing a variety of breakthrough which salahsatunya perform various activities that are promoting local products. Exhibition of products of superior craft, held since 24 until 25 ASpril 2010 include Embroidery, Batik, Craft rushes, plaited bamboo, footwear / Kelom geulis, Tasik umbrella, wooden handicrafts / furniture, garment, food processing, craft shells, and various other crafts , as well as local arts. Were present also in the occasion, Deputy Marketing and Business Development, Hamdan, Deputy Mayor of TaSikmalaya, H Dede Sudrajat, Chairman of West Java Province Embroidery Foundation, Ny. Rosi Rostina Ruswita Yanuar P, and elements of regional leaders Tasikmalaya City.
In the booth HU "Pikiran Rakyat" and HU "Kabar Priangan", received a plaque presented Deputy Chief Editor HU "Kabar Priangan", Hazairin Mahesa. Subsequently Deputy signature on the HU "Kabar Priangan", the inclusion Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Syarif Hidayat, and Vice Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Dede Sudrajat.
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