Amani (age 4.5 months) patients hydrocepahalus residents of Kampung RT Roof Tile 10/01, village / district Pagerageung, Regency Tasikmalaya received help from readers of daily newspaper "People's Mind" Friday (23 / 7). Assistance amounting to USD 1.8 million was given directly by reporters "PR", Cecep SA, witnessed Camat Pagerageung, Drs. Cefi Syaprudin, village head Pagerageung, Usep Saeful Bahri, and youth leaders Pagerageung, Ato Riyanto.
Amani infants, children of married couples, Wandi (23) and Fitriyani (23) that, since the disease is still inside the mother's womb. However, due to family economic circumstances, the baby is not treated promptly, so that poor baby is the first son of carpenters ojeg such, can only lay with his head continued to enlarge and wait for the donors. "Assistance rendered are donations from readers of the People's Mind," said Cecep SA.
On that occasion, Cecep SA had previously talked with the families who accompanied the village head Amani, a District and youth leaders who are helping Amani. According Cecep SA, judging from the amount of such assistance is not much, if compared with the costs needed for the entire treatment, but this would concern the reader as a form of PR, in order to alleviate the burden experienced by Amani, and assistance was a mandate that must be submitted.
"We hope the family and Amani can be patient in facing this ordeal, and hope to have other benefactors who care to ease the burden," he said.
On that occasion, a District Pagerageung, Drs. Cefi Syaprudin who accompanied Pagerageung village head, Usef Saeful Bahri say, thank you for the help given by the readers of People Mind HU. With assistance, can hopefully ease the burden of Amani.
Previously, the subdistrict head, village head, as well as other devices, and residents there continue to strive to do the healing by using medical facilities that are borne Jamkesda. In addition, the institute also conducts fund-raising by requesting donations to the community.
Not only that, it Pagerageung together youth leaders, also conducts fund-raising by means of watching football with my family costs Amani alleviate world. According to Ato, the activity was done twice, ie the time to watch the World Cup together and watch together Persib.
However, the fragments are not sufficient funds to cover the medical needs of Amani. Because, although operating costs are borne Jamkesda, but there are many other needs during treatment.
"Hopefully, the assistance provided readers People thought this to be part of his worship, and his party would also like to thank our other generous," he said.
According to Ato Riyanto, S. Ip, who had been kept there for Amani to take medication for the illness suffered by Amani is a congenital disease. The more days the more severe the disease, which currently heads the circle Amani has reached 68 CM. Today it continues to attempt to cure Amani. However, it should be done with patience, because to perform operations against Amani must first stabilize body condition. Because, besides having hydrocepahalus, Amani also experienced respiratory tract infections.
"For ideal operation the blood HB 12.0 but this time his HB 8.0," he said. Ato explained, in consultation with medical personnel who handle Amani, Amani is currently the head of state had 95 percent and 5 percent liquid fluid of the brain, so that healing takes time. Medical party only seeks to operate by installing a hose, so the condition does not hold enlarged heads Amani.
Other article maybe you interest, please reading: local newspapers
"We hope the family and Amani can be patient in facing this ordeal, and hope to have other benefactors who care to ease the burden," he said.
On that occasion, a District Pagerageung, Drs. Cefi Syaprudin who accompanied Pagerageung village head, Usef Saeful Bahri say, thank you for the help given by the readers of People Mind HU. With assistance, can hopefully ease the burden of Amani.
Previously, the subdistrict head, village head, as well as other devices, and residents there continue to strive to do the healing by using medical facilities that are borne Jamkesda. In addition, the institute also conducts fund-raising by requesting donations to the community.
Not only that, it Pagerageung together youth leaders, also conducts fund-raising by means of watching football with my family costs Amani alleviate world. According to Ato, the activity was done twice, ie the time to watch the World Cup together and watch together Persib.
However, the fragments are not sufficient funds to cover the medical needs of Amani. Because, although operating costs are borne Jamkesda, but there are many other needs during treatment.
"Hopefully, the assistance provided readers People thought this to be part of his worship, and his party would also like to thank our other generous," he said.
According to Ato Riyanto, S. Ip, who had been kept there for Amani to take medication for the illness suffered by Amani is a congenital disease. The more days the more severe the disease, which currently heads the circle Amani has reached 68 CM. Today it continues to attempt to cure Amani. However, it should be done with patience, because to perform operations against Amani must first stabilize body condition. Because, besides having hydrocepahalus, Amani also experienced respiratory tract infections.
"For ideal operation the blood HB 12.0 but this time his HB 8.0," he said. Ato explained, in consultation with medical personnel who handle Amani, Amani is currently the head of state had 95 percent and 5 percent liquid fluid of the brain, so that healing takes time. Medical party only seeks to operate by installing a hose, so the condition does not hold enlarged heads Amani.
Other article maybe you interest, please reading: local newspapers
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