Ua fort smith news the idea to build interview rooms for the career services office at the university of Arkansas fort smith had been on director ron orick s mind for .
In 1909, it merged with the fort smith news record, another evening paper to become the fort smith times record.
According to fort smith news, Bambang Budi Utomo (Priangan news) was elected as Chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Tasikmalaya Representative period 2010-2013 PWI replaces previous chairman, Cecep Syarif Ali. The decision was obtained through the Conference of Representatives was held in Tasikmalaya PWI Graha Asia Plaza, Thursday (29 / 7). Read please in fort smith news.
Election of new Chairman of the PWI is the shortest election in Tasikmalaya Representative PWI Conference trip. Mom, close calls Bambang Budi Utomo, acclamation elected at fort smith news, after Cecep SA withdrew from the nomination vote.
Previously about fort smith news, some members of PWI who followed the trial suggested the two candidates, Cecep SA and Bambang Budi Utomo. However Cecep SA withdrew from the nomination until finally meeting participants agreed to choose as the Chairman of PWI Bu Tasikmalaya Representative, said fort smith news.
PWI Executives of West Java, Mohamad Syafrin Zani, who led the trial selection of new Chairman of PWI to be immediately decided BU as the new Chairman of PWI replace the old management, according to fort smith news.
PWI Tasikmalaya Representative Conference was officially opened by the Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Syarif Hidayat, MSI and attended by several administrators PWI Center, H Mirza, and administrators among PWI Branch Secretary PWI Jabar Jabar Branch, H Uyun Achadiat, Wawan Djuarna H, H Suherlan, Asep Ruhiyat, H Dadi. Also present Dandim Tasikmalaya 0612, Lt. Col. Inf Agus Susanto, Chairman FKPPI Tasikmalaya City, Eries Hermawan, and other invitations (fort smith news).
On that occasion, the Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Syarif Hidayat claimed, has been much aided by the press who have done well of social control. "If the press only proclaim the success it might be complacent with our success, but the press were not so, we were much criticized by the press," he said to fort smith news.
Tasikmalaya Representative elected Chairman of PWI, Bambang Budi Utomo admitted, the weight received the mandate to become a chairman, said fort smith news. But his side will continue to strive to advance the PWI to the better side again (fort smith news).
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