Go FMKS Tasikmalaya to Balekota
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Around 70 members of the Community Forum and Santri Kiyai Kota Tasikmalaya (FMKS) by using two cars and a minibus transportation pickup came Balekota Tasikmalaya, Thursday (24 / 9). They deliver a statement protests against government policies Kota Tasikmalaya, related to the program in 2009 as the year of infrastructure. The protesters were received by Sekdakot, Drs H. Tio Indra Setiadi. About six people are allowed to enter the representative office accompanied by the Head of Development Secretariat Kota Tasikmalaya, Ivan Dicksan.
In his statement, ustadz Didi said, his side is ready to support the Government's performance Tasikmalaya City clean and transparent. Then support the Public Works Department (PU) to immediately implement the public interest job Kota Tasikmalaya. "We will constantly monitor and supervise the performance of city government in Tasikmalaya and if there is corruption, then we will rebuke and attract support for the government of Syarif Hidayat Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Dede Sudrajat.
In addition, states also ustadz Didi, ready to assist in physical and spiritual to the death of the Mayor's leadership with the encouragement of infrastructure development and be consistent, and in implementing development istiqomah, without any insistence interests, and declared that the arrival of anyone FMKS not financed and there is no interest to anyone. Just based on that awareness and concern for the City Government of Tasikmalaya, because everything that happens in government will affect the interests of society in general Kota Tasikmalaya.
On the same occasion, ustadz Syamsul Rizal gave the same statement supporting the positive efforts undertaken Tasikmalaya city administration. Arifin said the good in each there barrier. "We did not see who or what, a clear implementation of infrastructure development programs, and will oversee implementation of the program.
Meanwhile, Abdul Rohim ustadz question of road infrastructure development program area between Castle Ciangir way to Bugarsari, who feared the rainy season will come the roads are not good for users.

Obtained information, protests were allegedly carried out chaos triggered by the project tenders in PU Bina Marga Kota Tasikmalaya. Because the auction package 38 projects worth USD 40 billion in PU Bina Marga should be auctioned again.
Responding to this, H Tio Sekdakot promised to convey it to the Mayor of Tasikmalaya.
According to H Tio, the Mayor's policy in 2009 as the year that the infrastructure and the steps the Government has done the City had time to consult the Assessment Institute with provider of goods / services the Government, with the result of an error in procedure will be missed, and will be announced via the media.

Sekdakot H. Tio Indra Setiadi apologize for the delay in the auction, not on the basis of intentional but the "accident", and hopefully a lesson can be better and wisdom.
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