Travelers began to arrive in Terminal Tasikmalaya
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Terminal type A in Tasikmalaya District Indihiang, Thursday (17 / 9) yesterday, filling up with the travelers, who come from areas of Jakarta and vice versa.
According to the Head of Terminal UPTD Tasikmalaya, Asep Burhan, accompanied by Head of TU, Gumilar, the number of passengers who arrived / beragkat in Tasikmalaya terminal at H-5 to reach 27,171 people or 3.45% meningfkat compared with the same period last year.
According Gumilar, an increasing number of travelers were looking at some recent, for example, in 9786 travelers were recorded Tuesday, and Wednesday recorded at 11,257, with the number of operational fleet units reached 2774 and AKDP AKAP bus.
All bus units based on test results of the feasibility of Tasikmalaya Dishub almost entirely road-worthy. Except for one or two buses that returned to base to be repaired first, if there is a lack of good brakes.
According to the superintendent bus fare "Doa Ibu", Aos, is the number of travelers from Jakarta there is an increase in the last few ahri. Based on the monitoring side, there are no vacant seats, and all full.
All the travelers who got off at Terminal Tasikmalaya it generally comes from Tasikmalaya region, such as from Karangnunggal, Cibalong, and Cipatujah. Denseness of the travelers who use the bus transportation services from the tight schedule looks arrival (time table) of each bus from outside the town of Tasikmalaya direction. Only a few minutes the buses to arrive and immediately lowered the passengers in the terminal.
However, according to Gumilar, Tasikmalaya terminal is not entirely a transit area of the travelers who came from Jakarta. Because of the travelers had generally been off the bus in the area Rajapolah, who want to Ciamis area to Central Java.
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