Burst point and Mud Gas Increase
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After earthquake a few weeks ago, which led to a blast of gas coupled with the cold mud in the village of Cibitu, Pasir Dusun Gede, Village / Sukahening Sub-district, Tasikmalaya, now he's getting bigger and it bursts increased to three-point burst.
That condition occurred since Sunday (20/09), and the blast which had been made citizens of fear and panic, people are calm now. In fact, people around him assume the existence of such bursts as a blessing which is believed to be many benefits.
Pasirgede Village Head, Jojo S (42), Sunday (27/09) said that since last week coincided with Hari Raya Idul Fitri, which had burst point number one, when it was increased to three-point burst.
Jojo do not know exactly when the addition occurs. However, the addition of a blast allegedly occurred at night. Since the incident became known only in the morning, which was also debit mud and gas that came out bigger.
After two days, bursts of gas and mud that surge out of the time reduced. However, soon after a blast back there even growing.
Recognized Jojo, since the bursts are getting bigger and there are many more yet to review the related parties other than the police. Thus, he hoped the parties involved to come down and handle it, he said.
In the meantime, residents claim, it did not feel fear and panic again they even consider the existence of such bursts will bring blessings to people around or that come.
Other than that, residents also claimed to have income with many citizens who visit to see these bursts.
With so many who visit these places, seen a lot of food stalls offering food, there is also a selling empty bottles for people who want to take the water.
A seasoned trader, Asep (27) claimed, had since last Tuesday he was selling in that location. Since then, his wares are always in demand tend to lack even supplies.
Every day, an average of about 2,000 people who visit these to location. Apart from the people around Tasikmalaya District, which is also a lot of visitors who come from big cities such as Bandung, Jakarta, Central Java and East Java.
In general, those who come just want to know these bursts. However, many residents who came for believing that the mud will bring benefits or be used for drugs. With that, they are willing to come all this way to just take the water and mud.
To get it, residents have set up the next bottle filled with muddy water. Usually for a single bottle, visitors will pay Rp 5000 - Rp 10,000.
"Not only that, but who took it from there also people who drink it straight," said Asep.
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