Citizens Solidarity RW 04 Lengkongsari Through Malikin
IN the middle of demonstrations that many LSM (nongovernmental organizations) in the town of Tasikmalaya who criticize government performance, on the other hand Malikin (regardless of the destitute people), which is practically non-governmental organizations RW 04 Kelurahan level Lengkongsari Kec. Tawang Kota Tasikmalaya, it always take action giving rice to some of its citizens.
Happenings Malikin activities (not malikeun, Sundanese) committed citizens RW 04, after knowing there are some people who always helping each other, giving them rice to other neighbors. So, in 2004, several community leaders confer on the At-Taqwa Mosque, to discuss these social concerns.
According to the Chairman of RW 04, Rodi Rohaedi, at that time there were about 15 people talking about the activities giving rice to the people (rather than the poor rice / rice). Further community leaders there to form groups and given "Malikin". At that time, recorded about 40 "Agnia" each contribute cash their riches between Rp 20,000, - to Rp 100.000, -. From the results of the cash collection and then buy rice and distributed to 120 residents. So that the average citizen received three kilograms of rice.
After Malikin formed and run until now, then the Agnia (poster contribution) increase in numbers. Earn proper thumbs up for the harmony of the people there are given donations from the Agnia were not collected directly by the elements of RW management, but its own Agnia RW came to an administrator each month. "They have to give Rp 20.000, - until someone gives Rp 100.000, - which is important whatever they want to contribute," said Chairman RW 04, Rodi Rohaedi.
The number of residents RW 04 is estimated at 160 families, almost partially receive the rice. The number of recipients grew rice. Sometimes reaches 90 families and often recorded 120 head of the family. "They take turns receiving the rice. Because sometimes in the distribution of rice, the committee has come up short. If the moon is now they do not get the rice, just the next month they receive the rice. Every three months we were issued three hundred pounds of rice and distributed to residents. If fundraising from the Agnia setipa months, but the division returned to the citizens of rice once every three months, "said Rodi.
Rice and Meat
Three days earlier, about 90 mothers gathered at the Mosque At Ataqwa there. Each coupon is obtained by trading with 3 kg of rice. But, the coupon was immediately given back to the recipient rice, since Friday (27/11) yesterday, they received qurban meat. So the committee was not bothered again distribute coupons.
Prospects distribution of rice to the front, according to forced labor, will always continuity, because the social care of citizens RW 04 was now also ogled housing residents in the neighborhood. Some people who inhabit the neighboring houses, like all spurious contributions. So expect the provision of rice will not be done in turns, but they can get the same amount of rice.
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