About 1,000 protesters Go Parliament House Tasikmalaya City
About 1,000 protesters from Tholiban Brigade, GPI (Islamic Youth Movement), Laskar Mujahidin, Paseh Forum, Forum Pataruman, Cempaka Warna Forum, Team 10, Kampu, pesantren, Islamic organizations, OKP, and LSM came in Kota Tasikmalaya Tasikmalaya City parliament building with Several truck ride, dozens of four-wheel and two wheel, Wednesday (2 / 12).
Helped make the demonstration appear Brigade Commander Tholiban, KH. Leadership and Jenjen ZA Ponpes Irsyadiyah, Paseh Tasik Kota, Chairman Shulalatul Huda Pondok Pesantren, KH Aminudin, and KH Mahpud Sidik from Padayungan. Pesantren Leaders and the leadership of the forum accepted by the Chairman of DPRD Kota Tasikmalaya, Drs H Otong Koswara, and the floor leader in the local Panmus.
According to KH Jenjen, they felt that they need to go into this field because of various protests during the bloom in the region on behalf Tasikmalaya City Tasikmalaya citizens, who judged less conducive. "Looking at the political constellation, I noticed the days are not so conducive. So, we-we only have a moral responsibility alone. We just want to encourage to all leaders and board members should have the courage to determine the attitude," said Jen Jen H.
Meanwhile, in his oration korlap Agus Salim refused, the establishment of the special committee and the project tender soon implement the law number 12 of 2009 City of Tasikmalaya, the construction of social life values based on Islamic teachings and social norms of urban society Tasikmalaya.
Asus Salim invites the entire community to support the development Syadarajat government. As for their aspirations voiced is that it requires a process to build according to the procedure which is adjusted with PAD Kota Tasikmalaya, & DAU and DAK is to think about is what we have done to this nation and country, do not just criticize it, called Agus. That we must support policies Syadarajat in anti-corruption rather than reap the storm demonstration, it is better to build a constructive dialogue in a comprehensive, then we fix our thoughts and self each.
Next criticize power do not insult the personality, because this is a government and a constitution. They also demanded that the committee did not have a clear orientation to be stopped, because the committee is a symbol of people's interests, not the packaging in which interest groups should be considered something big and much needed community Tasikmalaya City.
With their arrival, the Chairman of DPRD Kota Tasikmalaya, Drs. Otong Koswara, M. Si, respond to and accept aspirations conveyed by saying, that the aspirations which will be submitted first brought ka Bamus (Consultative Body) and then associated with this outcome depends on the results of consultation. Then with regard to Regulation No.. 12 Year 2009 Value of Development Administration Community Life Based on the teachings of the Islamic religion and Norma - Community Social norms Kota Tasikmalaya, Chairman of Parliament acknowledge, and apologize for the delay, communicate and socialize these regulations to the public, as they relate to the budget. The decision regarding the implementation meant there were several articles which must first be formed Task Force. "Because there are several articles which have formed the Task Force and must be approved by the Mayor, but there are also articles that do not have to form the Task Force but no decree Mayor direct the use of hood," explained Otong.
Along with the receipt of pesantren leaders, and led by the Chairman of Legislative forum Kota Tasikmalaya, several protesters put blood thumbprint on a banner in the courtyard. Others signed.
The Chairman of DPRD Kota Tasikmalaya speech on the truck to the thousands of protesters, then they broke up, and escorted by about 315 members of Polresta Tasikmalaya.
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