Persons with Disabilities to Collect Coins Prita Mulyasari
Dozens of special-ed students in the Joy Foundation Tasikmalaya City Karoeng inspired to join Prita Mulyasari support, by donating coins to coins collected Rp 258,500, the Scouts parties in the SLB mode, Wednesday (9 / 12).
"The word mamah, mother Prita the unfortunate and needs help. My pocket money directly donated USD 5000. Let me ask again later as mamah. Poor mother Prita, 'said Dewi, special-ed student Joy Foundation handed over a coin and change the ceremony held in the field.
Raising event for Prita coins made before announcement result of party competition in the scout mode. Even the students seem enthusiastic about spending money they put into the box. They immediately put money in boxes stored in the middle of the field.
Standby scout party followed by 50 students from five SLB in Tasikmalaya City. SLB Foundation, among others Happy, Prosperous SLB Insan Foundation, Yayasan Lestari SLB, SLB and SLB Aisyiyah Patriotic Education Foundation. Activities carried out the carnival, throwing rings, hunting in the woods, bowling, hunting mice, spirituality, color and motion and song.
According to Chief SLB Foundation of Joy, Darsono, the idea of collecting pennies for Prita comes from parents of students and also students themselves. The fact that although they have shortcomings, they knew Prita case through television or from their parents.
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