H Asep Ahmad Djaelani
Develop the Modern Islamic Boarding School
TASK as a civil servant staff in 1984 as Assistant Rural Development Division, far from the city district office Jamali, South Cianjur regency, not a H Asep Ahmad Djaelani (56) discouraged. Amanah is implemented with full sincerity and full responsibility that is felt beneficial to society. H Asep was sure if the tasks and the mandate was implemented with the best will also bring good jobs to the career ladder. Proved in 1986 the Ministry of Cooperatives drawn Asep Cianjur regency became Head of Sub-Section of Agriculture, which is believed to manage the process of distributing fertilizer and effort to create food security in the community. It was not until 2005 I was given a mandate to serve as Secretary until the end of service on March 1, 2010.
Besides known as bureaucrats, Asep Ahmad Djaelani figure also known as a scholar in the area of origin in the number of road Tubagus Ismail, District small hole, the city of Bandung. Armed with knowledge of regular religious instruction every Thursday at Miftahul Huda Islamic School Manonjaya Tasikmalaya District, then created a boarding school on the road Khoer Miftahul Tubagus Ismail VIII Bandung, the support of leaders at that time Miftahul Huda, KH Khoer Affandi (late) or the Uwa Ajengan familiarly called.
"My big family from boarding school, I trained hard by parents, since childhood, every morning before the move is required to teach first. Then I also often Koran in Miftahul Huda, so I was compelled to establish boarding school. The name given by Khoer Miftahul Ajengan uncle, accident boarding school my parents named Miftahul Jannah, "said Asep.
Miftahul pesantren led by Asep Khoer, since the beginning intended for students from out of town who was having trouble finding lodging. No wonder the dominant boarding school students today are students, even those boarding schools developed over the management of the pesantren students. Especially where the boarding school near major campuses in Bandung, ITB, and Unpad Dipati Ukur Unikom.
Meanwhile, amid the bustle Asep Secretary in Tasikmalaya District, still can evaluate progress pesantren cottage every weekend. Pesantren built with private funds is to promote religious materials in conjunction with modern science. "To teach fiqh, we invite teachers from Miftahul Huda. Currently boarding schools could accommodate 200 students, "he said.
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