Monday, March 8, 2010

Today's Top News Stories

Kapolresta Support the Investigation Destruction HMI Secretariat in Makasar

In front of the demonstrators, Kapolresta Tasikmalaya, Ajun Commissioner of Aries Syarief Hidayat said, his support for an investigation of the case thoroughly destruction HMI Secretariat in Makassar, which resulted in clashes action. This support is evidenced with the signing of the above white banner, which was taken as HMI Tasikmalaya demonstration was in Tasikmalaya Mapolresta, Lieutenant Harun Street, City of Tasikmalaya, in Today's Top News Stories Monday (8/3).
Around 50 activists HMI Tasikmalaya Branch action protests that preceded their arrival into Tasikmalaya City Parliament building, to ask for support accomplishment of Century Bank case, then the action continued to Mapolresta Tasikmalaya, to ask for police support to thoroughly investigate the case of destruction of the Secretariat of HMI Makasar. Despite the anarchic action does not happen, but the DPRD Kota Tasikmalaya building, the activists had locked horns because of DPRD Tasikmalaya City, H Otong Koswara not yet come.
"Actions we do with peace, HMI never take action protests by setting chaos, but why our friends in Makassar became a monthly in-cops? Clearly there is action secretariat provocation that led to our brothers there, too damaged, so we urge Parliament to resolve the case consistent Century and the police to thoroughly investigate the case of vandalism, "said Action Korlap HMI, Ardi Ardiansyah.
Responding to student actions undertaken, Kapolresta Tasikmalaya, Ajun Commissioner of Aries Syarief Hidayat and went straight to the student staff at the gate and welcomed Mapolresta friendly. Kapolresta took time to read the statement given students and respond directly and stated his support for thorough investigation of cases of Century Bank and the destruction of the Secretariat HMI Makasar.

"We fully support the statement that you take, we asked the students to the rally action take no action anarchist," he said with a straight Kaporesta put signature on the activists carried banners HMI. When signing a banner that carried Kapolresta Tasikmalaya, immediately followed by the staff of the Head of Ops Commissioner Yono H Kusyono until visible Reskrim Ajun Commissioner Pudjo Harso Hartono.

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