"Thief! Corruptor!" The call was loudly voiced by some people in Cengkareng Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten province. The screams were "welcomed" the arrival of Gayus Halomoan Partahanan Tambunan in Indonesia, after a week escape to Singapore.
Yesterday (31/3), Gayus was finally returned to Indonesia to account for and clarify the cases of corruption and tax fraud allegedly committed. In his account, there is money to Rp 24.6 billion, which otherwise Centre Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) containing a suspicious transaction.
Although some people vent their emotions at the airport with a scream, Gayus did not flinch. With a tight guard, he was immediately rushed to the car. He was immediately taken to Police Headquarters for tests.
Though her arrival was greeted emotions some people, the process of his arrest in Singapore spelled calm. By negotiating through a conversation about two hours, finally stabilizing Gayus hearts to surrender to the joint team consisting of Task Force (Task Force) Mafia Eradication Agency Criminal Justice and Police Headquarters.
According to the Task Force Secretary Denny Indrayana, since Tuesday (30/3) morning, and Bareskrim Task Force began working together in coordination to catch Gayus in Singapore. Then, the seventh day, Denny and Mas Achmad Santosa Task Force members immediately went to Singapore. In the evening around 19:15 pm Singapore time, direct coordination with the Task Force team Kabareskrim Commissioner-General Ito Sumardi that has already been there.
According to Denny, when the Task Force team will have dinner at the Asian Food Mall, Lucky Plaza, Orchard Road, by chance met with Gayus who also was buying food for dinner. Task Team Kabareskrim direct contact by telephone to notify their meeting with Gayus.
Finally, after a conversation for about two hours. Gayus could be convinced that the choice of returning to the ground water is the best choice compared with having to constantly hide in Singapore.
By midnight, the team Task Force and Commissioner of the Big M. Iriawan deliver Gayus returned to room 2105 at the Meritus Mandarin Hotel to negotiate with his wife who accompanied him in Singapore. Then, the team and prepare immigration documents Kabareskrim to Gayus because his passport was revoked.
Gayus did indeed come to Indonesia voluntarily because police could not catch his fugitive in Singapore. Police can only arrest people who are in the jurisdiction of Indonesia. However, the choice was finally taken Gayus probably because he was threatened to be arrested by Singapore police.
According to Denny, a conversation for two hours at night it reminds Gayus that he would be arrested because the police in Singapore into the country using false information. "In the very near, the police will catch Gayus Singapore. In fact, if the prisons in Singapore, far more suffer for Gayus and his family," Denny said yesterday, repeating his words to Gayus.
According to Chief of Police Public Relation Division Inspector General Edward Aritonang, the Singapore government does not allow anymore to Gayus to live in the country because his passport has been blocked by the Directorate General of Immigration. He also could be arrested for using fake identity when entering into Singapore.
He could have stayed a week which had been put there by moving to a hotel because it had to first drain the contents of their accounts and transfer them to some of the escrow account. Before banned, he fled to Singapore with his wife and son.
Persuasive did eventually step into sniper stance to arrest the fugitive Indonesian who was outside the country. The goal of course is not just to the suspect as Gayus accountable for mistakes, but also to dismantle the mafia in the body of the Directorate General of Taxation.
Furthermore, the capture of Gayus is expected to be the entrance to clean up the law enforcement agencies of the mafia-mafia cases. Moreover, cases such as Gayus has been done systematically involve various elements in the police, prosecutors, and perhaps also in court. (Vebertina M. / "PR" / Ant) ***
50 Lawyers in Tasikmalaya Haposan Detention Suspend Request
Tasikmalaya - About 50 people a lawyer Tasikmalaya, West Java, which incorporated in Tasik Loyer Club is ready to provide support and requested that the detention of Gayus Attorney Haposan Hutagalung Tumbunan suspect tax evasion amounting to 25 billion to be deferred.
"We are fellow lawyers ready to give support to Haposan," said Asep Tasik loyer Club secretary Heri told Tempo in Tasikmalaya Wednesday (31 / 3).
Explained Asep, detention of Haposan considered less appropriate, because until now the charges against Haposan dilamatkan still unclear. The reason the prime suspect Gayus Tambunan has so far remained outside the State in the process of repatriation to the ground water. "Kan do not know, obviously he can not stand it," he said.
As a fellow lawyer she was concerned about the allegations that led to Haposan about alleged receipt of money amounting to 5 billion from the Gayus. "The money amounted to USD 800 million, it's possible he's a lawyer's services we do not know," he said.
It will not stay silent to give moral support to Haposan, even several prominent senior lawyer in the country was ready to provide support for Haposan. "I've heard mate Adnan SIPA aids," Asep affirm.
The plan Friday (2 / 4) representatives from Tasikmalaya TLC will go to the South Jakarta Police Headquarters to give moral support and hope that the anchoring Haposan could drag on suspended immediately .***
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