Most Ticket Sales Results for Natural Disaster Victims
The first day of implementation of the ex Festival Tasik Cilembang terminal marked with the heavy rain, after Deputy Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Dede Sudrajat event officially opens the exhibition and promotion, Monday (26/10). Heavy rain from 14.00 until late evening prayer, making power plants or generators that are prepared committee conceded sudden water, so electricity around Tasik Festival arena went out.
The visitors than many of the rain, also complained that guards stand at around 16:00 the electricity went out. According to officials, some stand there using electric source from PLN, while others use power generators, and a few hours later the committee improve the chance that a power source. According to some participants stand, the committee should fix that generator long before the implementation of Tasik Festival took place.
On an annual event, about 250 traders, private companies, state enterprises, enterprises, offices, agencies, and UKM (small and medium businesses) to follow events on the grounds of Festival Tasik ex Cilembang terminal since October 23 until 15 November 2009. Approximately 25 booths for UKM free given.
According to the Head of Economic Tasikmalaya city administration, Rahmat Mahmuda, Tasik Festival organized by the private sector with the municipal government contributions Tasikmalaya earn about USD 50 million during the progress of the organizers.

Deputy Mayor, H Dede Sudrajat told reporters say, with the Tasik Festival is expected to be an excellent campaign, and could introduce superior products Tasikmalaya city, even sales turnover can be increased.
The same expectations conveyed most participants also booths from craft entrepreneurs, and enterprises. "From the rental booths around Rp 5 million for 3 weeks, we can expect no more than the sales booth rental fee," said one participant.
According to Dede Sudrajat H, part of the ticket proceeds will be donated to victims of natural disasters in the city of Tasikmalaya.
Tasik Opening Festival on the grounds that the ex Cilembang terminal marked with ceremonies featuring the peacock dance.

Tasik Festival opening gala was able to suck the public interest that deliberately took the time to be present at that beautiful moment, seems also all the official and his wife as well as invited guests from among community leaders enthusiastically enough to follow each set of events.
Tio Indra Setiadi as Chairman of the organizing committee Tasik Year Festival in 2009 expressed his pride for the active participation of all components of society in the implementation of Tasik Festival held from October 26 to November 15 this. Section 200 exhibition stands of Tasik enliven this festival were the small businessmen and the middle and hopefully able to increase the active public participation in the framework of Tasikmalaya City to meet the year 2010 the Government launched in Kota Tasikmalaya as increased purchasing power.
Meanwhile, Ir. H. Sudrajat Dede explained that Tasik Festival is a series of activities in order to enliven the day so that the city of Tasikmalaya-8 and has become Branch Image is always awaited by many parties.

"Tasikmalaya city the age of 8 years, a relatively young age for a city. In realizing the main goals of the establishment of Tasikmalaya City services closer to communities and community welfare, required active participation and togetherness of all elements of society and all stakeholders. Organization of Tasik Festival in the former terminal is Cilembang Tasikmalaya City Government policy in restoring function as an area Dadaha Green and Sports Activity Center for Community ", said Dede.
Confirmed Dede, Tasik organizing this festival as a promotional event of superior products 90% of society is the result of informal sector activities of UKM. Kota Tasikmalaya is a fertile land emergence and growth of small and medium businesses and are able to absorb so many workers to strengthen the economic independence to Tasikmalaya city not always depend on foreign products.
"I hope the active participation of community and togetherness Tasikmalaya city all stakeholders, can continue to provide solutions for the problems of vendors (vendors) that are components of SMEs, so that they can grow and increase their income, which in turn is expected to have positive impact on improving people's purchasing power City Tasikmalaya "please Dede end speech.
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