Thousands of Mourners Inter KH Shiddieq body Amien
Thousands of mourners took the corpse of the late Chairman of the Islamic Union of the Central Executive (PP Persis), KH Shiddieq Amien, Sunday (1 / 11), to the cemetery, not far from where Islamic schools in the mosque after boarding dishalatkan Just Cisalak Kampung Jalan Desa Benda Nagarasari Kec. Cipedes Kota Tasikmalaya. KH Shiddieg Amien those who died on Thursday, 29 October 2009 at 18:30 in hospital Al Islam.
Seems also helped mourn Prof Dr M Abdurahman as Chairman of Division Tarbiyah and Chairman of PP PYMT Exactly, and the Mayor of Tasikmalaya, H Sharif Hidayat. Thousands of mourners including students seem bershaf row since pesantren entrance to the mosque. Even many women who cried when the body over there.
The son of the deceased to the daughter of 4 brothers Usman Aminulloh KH family, leaving two wives and 11 children, and three grandchildren. To eleven children, each named H Arief Rahman Hakim (32), Nunung Sriwahyuni, Mia Nurmilah, Ina book, Hilman Rashid, Faith Holilurohman, Hanifa Ilmiati, Hana, Ilman, Tia, Rahman. While his wife each named Ny. Ai Kurniasih Hj, and Hj Yulifah Elis.
According to the deceased's brother, H Asep Abdul Hamid, SAg, the late brother was a hard worker, often reading a book. Even in everyday life he still often seen cleaning the pesantren. "When there is trash in the yard and then he picked up boarding school and put it in his pocket, next to the waste in the trash. Often, too, he swept the floors and clear the table, even wiping the glass," said Asep H.
The late KH Shiddieq Amien (54) was the fourth son, while his sister named KH Muhtarom Amen, Amen Latief HA, and Amien Nurjanah Tating Hj. While his brother is Euis Fauziah Amien, Ai Sofiah, Dra Masaroh Imas, H Asep Abdul Hamid, SAg, Endang Abdul Muin MPD, eneng zakiah SAg, and Eulis Rahmaniah SSos.
According to H Asep, because that's the his model, the deceased was often invited to conduct other than hutbah, he also educate the santri with concrete actions like that above. If the deceased made a paper about 7000 papers are still lacking, because the content is always current his hutbah.
During his life, he had told his brother, continued H Asep, ie do not get ahead because of the credit, and do not back down because reprehensible. "The message that is still remembered by me," said Asep H saying Amen KH Shiddieq often still taught in pesantren submarine approximately five hours. Just in the village pesantren It has approximately 700 students.
The departure of Chairman of PP Just that, according to the most first-born son, H. Arief Rahman Hakim, unexpected hypertension. "As long as we know the father always had low blood," said H Arief.
Congress Events Center
Head of Tarbiyah, Prof Dr M Rahman, who was appointed as PYMT (duty officer) led the PP Just to Congress September 2010 Just to say, despite the deceased had died, but the activities of the National Congress will still be centered exactly in Tasikmalaya.
"Based on the working meeting on 14 Soreang Congress to be held in five locations namely in Tasikmalaya and Garut in 1500 the participants on September 23 next," said M Abdur-Rahman said, mentioning events in Garut is for Persistri, and women, whereas in Tasikmalaya is Exactly activities , set of students, and youth.
Then, now under construction infrastructure, continued M Rahman, and all the preparations always done. Meanwhile, another agenda was to build a building in Bandung. While other activities of human resources improvement.
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