Many KPU Find Voice Mail Damage
by Cecep SA
General Elections Commission (KPU) Kabupaten Tasikmalaya many find that voice mail is broken, since the beginning of the sorting Pilpres 2009 voice mail four days until Sunday (28 / 6).
According to the Chairman of KPU Kab. Tasikmalaya, Deden Nurul Hidayat, the record is 500 pieces of found sound letter damaged. "Type damaged vary as torn, dirty as a result many the speck ink, print quality and the ugly, including voice mail have been lost," he said.
While the sorting process was conducted at the KPU office staff by Election District Committee (PPK), and the Committee vote (PPS). In the implementation KPU set schedule turns sorting, to the limited space to tactics KPU building.
However, according to members of KPU Logistics Division, Fahruzaman Agus said, the ballot is damaged and the relatively small amount can to signed with two percent of reserves of a total of 1,243,454 votes, according to the number of Permanent Voter Register (DPT) in Kab. Tasik.
"To meet the needs of basic voice mail in each Group Committee vote (KPPS) according to the number of DPT per KPPS, can be anticipated to take a while with a voice mail from the backup of 2 percent of the DPT," he explained.
Nevertheless, said Agus, all voice mail that is damaged will be sent immediately to the central KPU to get a replacement, because in accordance with the KPU regulations, the amount of two percent of reserves ballot must be absolutely fulfilled.
Some voice with Deden, Agus explained, sorting ballot sized 23 cm x 27 cm has been conducted since Wednesday (24 / 6). The target on the day this Sunday (30 / 6) sorting is already done. "Hopefully tomorrow (today, red) as well as voice mail sorting Door finished implemented. Then we will distribute to all KPPS gradually along with other shipping logistics between ink, and spidol summons. The clear accordance with the KPU regulations, for the letter mail maximum must be received by KPPS on the H-1 general election, "he explained.
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