by Cecep SA
Despite not yet known the exact cause of poisoned 146 residents suffered four villages in the Village Sukamahi, District Sukaratu, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, but suspected it was caused while the bacteria Staphylococcus. Ie the normal bacteria on the skin stick to his man, and then drop or go into the food that people eat due to a its virulence.
So disclosed Head Tasikmalaya District Health Office, dr Herdis Kiswa, Friday (10 / 7). "Viewing events that bygones, their virulence due to Staphylococcus bacteria, the bacteria stick to this kind of ulcer on the skin ulcer and scab, but it is not. Because the sample is still in the test food in Labkesda Province, can be also due to chemical substances-substances that endanger body, " Herdis deception.
For that, the test sample food not only in terms of the chemistry course, but also seen in terms of the micro-biological. When asked the possibility of flavor cuisine expired, Herdis words, it may be possible.
"Because the ingredients can be expired, only this time various parties have very strong incentive prohibit food, spices or any expired already sold," he said.
According Herdis, from placement to start processing health cuisine can be a factor that causes food to be healthy we consider poison.
"Can due only by the cook who has a contagious disease such as TB, Hepatitis, or disease that does not heal-heal. It is time to cook germs is dead but the virus is still there or because the food can be stored in the wrong place or the cuisine is still hot already wrapped, "he said.
Due to frequent cases of toxication, Dinkes District Tasik distribute any handbill which contains Regent Call to Camat and health, to take food to the espionage community.
"That way, they have to cook before washing hands and it should be the main healthy. Very is important, especially for an intent should coordinate with public health," he said.
In addition, the steer-substances harmful substances from food also needs to, because people in the rural areas tend to forget and keep dangerous substances-substances near the kitchen, so that sometimes in a hurry because people think that cooking is astringent flavor cuisine.
Be like, 146 people from four villages in the two villages Sukaratu District, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, had to be brought to health due to food poisoning which is distributed in the food or besek from plaited bamboo, Wednesday (9 / 7) nights ago.
They come from a poisoned Simpang Village, Pasantren, and Legok Ringgit, Sukamahi Village, and from Cikatubang Village, Village Sukagalih.
At that time they rajaban with the recitation of events held in the home Suryana (45) at around 16:00 Wednesday (8 / 7) evening. And after the event, all citizens are given the besek contain rice, eggs, noodles, bihun, and fish.
Or its new night at 20:00 WIT eat after the meal, some people claim to start experiencing nausea and vomiting. Originally they thought only a cold or disease relapse its stomach.
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