by Cecep SA
Tasikmalaya City is now stated as the alert to prevent and control the spread of diseases that cause flu ISPA (acute respiratory infection channel), followed by attack of influenza symptoms that strike about 285 santri or student boarding hut from some (ponpes) in the region Cipasung, Sukamanah, Sukahideung, and Cihaur Tasikmalaya regency.
Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health Department of Health Tasikmalaya, dr Mukti Hasni, Wednesday (29 / 7), said to prevent the spread of flu that cause ISPA, distant days before the Call is to spread the 20 health areas in the City of Tasikmalaya, in them to immediately separate the patient from flu patients or groups of people rather than people with flu, and provide masks or cover their nose. Especially health-health or who are close to the boarding environment.
Efforts are made of Tasikmalaya City Health Office in order to avoid the bulk of attacks against people affected by the disease a high risk of flu. "The disease spreads easily ISPA and attack people in a healthy group, the less attention to environmental and behavioral custom or those people in maintaining health," said dr Hasni.
When answering questions about the causes of disease ISPA, according to dr Hasni, including the possibility of difficult weather anomaly to input. "Normally, if the weather should have been signed in the dry season, but suddenly the rain came, then it will be easy to attack." Not to mention the condition of the body less healthy, so they will be easy, "he said.
The development of the mass attack of flu in some areas at this time, according to dr Hasni, because it is triggered by many factors. Among airways that are less adequate, and the place where they gathered too narrowly. "Therefore, if there are people who are bekumpul more than five people, for example, the people who are suffering from flu should cover their mouths when they cough. Even people have to use masks, not otherwise healthy people wearing masks," he said.
According to dr Hasni, to this day have not received the reports of mass attack of flu in the region of Tasikmalaya. "If there are any people with flu in the area of the city that can be treated directly by the nearest health clinic," he said.
As made, symptoms of influenza attack from around 285 student several cottages pesantrens (ponpes) in the region Singaparna Kabupaten Tasikmalaya District. Symptoms santri who felt that the throat is dry, high body temperature, mampet nose, stiff and rheumatic pain in the knee joint. However, although the symptoms that indicated the same, according to Ponpes Cipasung private doctor, dr Jajang Rudi, it is not a phenomenon that should be feared.
''That's just common symptoms experienced by people at the turn of the season's rainfall to the drought,''said Jajang. Conditions, are very common, but can be a phenomenon because of the boarding is inhabited by hundreds of santri.
The likelihood, according to dr Jajang, the emergence of symptoms of massive attacks that caused by influenza hygiene factors that are less protected. In addition, many santri who live more than three persons in one room, that triggered a rapid spread of major infectious disease.
However, of the many who fell ill santri that, Jajang found that most came from santri new. Therefore, the strong attack is suspected because of lack of beginning of each santri in maintaining hygiene.
The many who fell ill santri new flu that, according to Jajang, that should be important lessons for boarding. Moreover, with the Percentage that reaches more than 60 percent, the condition can trigger the occurrence of other diseases that are very different.
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