Sleep Forever
by Endah Asih/"PR"
... "wake up to sleep, to sleep again. wake up again, to sleep again. banguuuuun, sleep more ..."
Poetic passages in one of the songs up as if describe end of life Surip champion. Go to sleep forever Urip Ariyanto alias Surip champion (60) complete his figure a fenomenal. Mojokerto male birth is 5 May 1949 died when it is in the peak of fame. In fact, breathing reggae hit "No pickaback", has blond man melejitkan Pamor gimbal ala Bob Marley to the popularity that this never be over tens of years diligent music as the breath of life.
Surip leader died on Tuesday (4 / 8) afternoon at around 10:30 at WIB was Pusdikkes Hospital, East Jakarta. Surip leader suspected of suffering from heart failure after breakfast porridge chicken relatives at home, Mas Mamiek, Pierrot Srimulat.
That sudden death is very surprising. Many are lost, especially his fans originating from a variety of ages, ranging from parents, adults, and children. Since troubadour style rasta toss "No pickaback", the name rebound like falling, and people of different ages in the ground water such as by terhipnotis song lyric with a very simple and shaking it.
Now all eyes is to the figure. Death and complete the form fenomenal champion Surip the procession his funeral attract attention. Level for Indonesia, the death of leader Surip almost no communication with the remote is the late King of Pop Michael Jackson. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had also say condolence, deputize state capital of Ani Yudhoyono to attend to honor the past.
In accordance with the last message to the peer leader Surip fellow artists, he requested burial in the complex dimakamkan Bengkel Theater artists, RT 02 RW 05, Kelurahan Cipayung, District Pancoran Mas, Depok.
Once there is certainty of the blessing of the family, the leader remains Surip dimakamkan behind the residence of WAS Rendra Tuesday night after the first be buried. Before to funeral, first wedding procession have three daughters, Resia Tri Kresnawati (24) on the tomb with the corpse champion Surip witnessed thousands of people including the host of cultural WAS Rendra, Theater Workshop members, artists, artist, and sympathetic from various professions, including politicians.
"On the advice Mas Willy (WAS Rendra-red.) After the daughter's wedding, corpse Surip directly to funeral champion," said Iwan Burnani, spokesperson Theater Workshop.
Surip corpse champion who has four children, arrived in the Theater Workshop at 15.30 WIB using ambulance bernopol B OE 7920. Body men born in Mojokerto, East Java, is directly Padepokan be buried at the Workshop Theater, witnessed people who want to see Surip champion for the last time.
Behind the residence W.S. Rendra, two grave-digger since grave prepare lunch for the end of the leader Surip health. Old body performers who the symbol "I Love You Full" was buried side by side with the artist Ari Mocoi, Ria Round Parde, Semsar Siahaan, Indera Kusuma, and Rugito champion. "Before the death, grave champion in order Surip Theater Workshop," said Secretary Rendra, bat Hasibuan.
According to the bat, when Bengkel Theater perform prayers together for health Rendra, he had to send short messages (SMS) to champion Surip. Surip leader replied with SMS-it said, "a prayer for peace, the bird peacock archipelago."
This unique add sadness at the same time is a time outside pendopo kid-kid aged a dozen years sing a song, "No pickaback". Kid-kid is keyed to sing the song. Only, atmosphere feels different. When the time is still alive to listen "No pickaback" generate excitement, the songs that were the kid that would eject child aura profound grief and sorrow.
Difficult to eat, hooked ngopi
Memories also appear after body champion Surip buried Tuesday night. Among experienced writers, a few days before the Tuesday afternoon yesterday to exhale last breath. "Greetings of peace Bandung," so the content of SMS is often the last troubadour Bob Marley he call its Indonesia, Surip champion, to the author. Message sent on Tuesday (21 / 7) early morning, exactly at 3:15 WIB.
At the time the majority of people already to close eyes and dream , champion Surip exactly are "awake-meleknya." "Normally I songs, play guitar, or chat with children," said Surip time champion found a month ago, in a private TV station. When talking, the finger is never right to remove the cigarettes bridge, which is always switched on again when finished, and drink black coffee without sugar.
In the eyes of close, champion Surip identical three things, not asleep, coffee, and cigarettes bridge. By friend, known as a full-time humor, humble, street artists, idealist, and without intention.
"Indeed, from the first champion Surip skittish, cuek, difficult to be where the chat is true, what does not. His grooming Hair and also since it is like first," said one of his friends Surip champion, Mara Karma, who came to the house to see Prakoso Mamiek in Jln. Kerja Bakti, Kampung Makasar, East Jakarta, on Tuesday (4 / 8).
According to Mara who know her champion Surip since an 90-year, first champion since Surip like not asleep and depends on a strong black coffee. "Previously ompong teeth, now I have met since enggak champion Surip wear false teeth," said Mara.
In the eyes merry Doyok, champion Surip leave memories apart. "Then when I again booming, champion Surip love made me coffee. Then we ngopi together," said Doyok, the last time you met a week ago Surip leader in the area Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta.
The most memorable of her Doyok champion Surip, usual that is difficult to eat, but the crazy drink coffee black. Surip champion can even drink coffee 8-16 glasses each day.
"Time traveling from Medan to Jakarta, I had fraudulent hide shoes Surip champion. Finally, he had to travel during without shoes. But until I balikin again sepatunya, enggak angry," said Doyok, who first knew her Surip champion in 1992.
Dependence champion against cigarette Surip bridge and black coffee, is another comedian, Tarzan. "Rather than eating, he was mild ngopi. In fact, the same saking love coffee, coffee What he is sure if eating out, from the white water," said a member Srimulat it.
Expression of the strengthened Surip recognized leader since 1989, Andre Yahya. "Wake up to sleep, just a facial, drink coffee, and sleep again," he said while mentioning that a champion Surip inspiration hit, "Wake up Sleeping".
"However, he is passing extraordinary. Nomaden but still never making, like that time he lived in my home for six months," said Andre.
"I love you full"
Sahabat Surip another leader, Munir, said last debate. "He said, he would debt Rp 1 billion, would like a helicopter and used to get three children can participate in ride. She said that four days ago," said Munir, one of the executive producers private national TV.
Mamiek Meanwhile, friends who were last Surip leader, said it is simple. "He says many times i love you full," he said.
Surip leader has gone, even in peak ketenarannya. Feels so short people to enjoy the treat smoothness, keluguan, and sense of humor. No more laughter loose his typical, ha ... ha ... ha ..., there is also no cry i love you to be full of trade-mark every time on the stage. Surip champion body remains weak and renta. Confess ajal meet the exhaustion, tired tote popularity and fame that so melejit. At the end of the story, was champion Surip ask "digendong" by relatives and community pencintanya, the latest health. Farewell Surip champion. We love you full, ha ... ha ... ha ... ha ...".
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