Mass flow Stodge Channel Ciawi
by Cecep SA
Mass flow is estimated that 20,000 people came to the road along the road Ciawi in regard to follow enliven HUT RI 64, Monday (17 / 9). The event was held after the ceremony that took place in the solemn square Ciawi was followed by a full mass with joy.
Thousands of mass down to the street with a variety of attractions, arts, human and natural resources, the surefire create convoy is entertaining tens of thousands of spectators who came from various villages in the district. Ciawi, including from outside the district Ciawi pack along Street Raya Struggle. Retrieved information, since 4 years ago the fleet, the new re-done.
"After vacum over 4 years ago, people actually miss the entertainment that the HUT RI with the pageant perform. To the people met along the road in the parade and just to watch," said Tutun (50) Ciawi citizens.
One of the judges who did not want his name mentioned, said the event was conducted with the purpose to increase again in the spirit of complete independence of the community. Also made the assessment, which will be selected to search for train the best. The parade participants, also does not only consist of elements of education, institutions and agencies. However, the succession was followed by the community and private companies in the district Ciawi.
Due to flow, which lasted from 10:00 hours to 14 hours .. 30 WIB make along the road from the direction of Tasik and Bandung have jammed. In fact, the bottleneck to reach tens of kilometers to trigger the various bottlenecks in the road alternative.
Procession which started from the ground up to the Village Sukamantri ended in square Ciawi, and close the entire road. Meanwhile, security forces do not share the road with the flow and road users.
Meanwhile, the duplicate flag Ceremony inheritance level Pemkot Tasikmalaya conducted in Kota Tasikmalaya Dadaha Field, Inspector ceremony with Mayor Tasikmalaya, Drs. H. Syarif Hidayat, M. Si starts 09.20 hrs s / d 10:20 WIB followed the participants from all sections of the community with care and respect. Right minutes 10:00 WIB boom times with 17 cannon and blast sirine by Mayor Tasikmalaya warning indicates seconds proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
In his speech, Drs. Syarif Hidayat H. M. Si, that the freedom that we enjoy at this time is the result of toil and weary cry of the combatants are sincere sacrifice. With elegance history, the nation we continue to forge life lessons as the nation both in ideology, political, social, economic, cultural, defense, security with proven success in berdemokrasi with multi-party system.
According to the Mayor, with the full optimiton that magnanimity and compete in a healthy, learning democracy impossible can not be translated to bring us into the future of the nation and the adult self in democracy. Warning HUT RI now coincides with the arrival this month of Ramadan is noble, BAROKAH, full of mercy and magfiroh.
"Let's finish the agenda of issues relating to education, health, and purchasing power in the Tasikmalaya Pemkot. We should be grateful the number average of 8.97 schools reach up into HDI 86.25 so get Pemerintah Kota Tasikmalaya Widyakrama award from the president of RI as a form of hard work and achievements in the Wajar Dikdas 9 years old. In the field of Health, IPM in 2008 and reached 69.16 in purchasing power in the IPM in 2008 reached 60.82 Kota Tasikmalaya," said the Mayor.
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